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Christian Ethos

In our school we focus on seven strong Christian values, which each link to a bible story.  These are love, hope, forgiveness, service, thankfulness, respect and justice.  We have different worship sessions in school every day - whole school worship on Monday; Singing Worship on Tuesday, Class Worship on Wednesday (organised and led by year 5 children); Key Stage Worship on Thursday and Whole School Celebration Worship on Friday.

We have close links with St. Peter's Church in Frampton Cotterell. 

Father Malcolm comes into school regularly to whole a school worship session, to which parents are welcome to attend.

We visit the church frequently throughout the school year.  At Christmas our Year 5 children perform a play and we have a family Carol Service.  We also visit at Easter and Harvest time.

Father Malcolm also arranges church days at our school during the academic year.


(Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools)

All Church of England dioceses and the Methodist Church use the National Society’s framework for the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) under Section 48 of the Education Act 2005. The framework sets out the expectations for the conduct of the Statutory Inspection of Anglican, Methodist and ecumenical Schools under Section 48 of the Education Act 2005. As a result of the 2011 Education Act and subsequent changes to the Ofsted inspection framework, we have produced new guidance on making arrangements for a SIAMS inspection.

The framework provides a process for evaluating the extent to which church schools are “distinctively and recognisably Christian institutions”.


Inspection focus

SIAMS inspection focuses on the effect that the Christian ethos of the church school has on the children and young people who attend it. Church schools will employ a variety of strategies and styles, which reflect their particular local context or church tradition in order to be distinctive and effective. Inspectors will, therefore, not be looking to apply a preconceived template of what a church school should be like.

The principal objective of SIAMS inspection is to evaluate the distinctiveness and effectiveness of the school as a church school.

Towards this objective, inspectors seek answers to four key questions.

  • How well does the school, through its distinctive Christian character, meet the needs of all learners?

  • What is the impact of collective worship on the school community?

  • How effective is the Religious Education?(in VA schools and academies)

  • How effective are the leadership and management of the school as a church school?

The National Society’s Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) framework is used in all Section 48 inspections of Church of England schools and in the denominational inspection of academies.

Our latest SIAMS Inspecton report from July 2017:

Frampton Cotterell C of E Primary School

Rectory Road, Frampton Cotterell, South Gloucestershire, BS36 2BT.

Telephone: 01454 867205            


Headteacher: Mrs Debbie Fisher

Office Manager: Mrs. Nicola Addicott

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