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School Trips

Every year, class teachers endeavour to arrange a variety of trips, and contact and invite visitors to come.  Both trips and visits are designed to match the children's topics, interests and areas of learning.  (Please see the curriculum page for more information about topics.)

Before each trip, the class teachers make a preliminary visit to the venue, and then prepare a risk assessment.

Children are supervised by their teachers, and the ratios set out by the Department for Education are always adhered to, or exceeded.  In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), the ratio is xxxx; in Key Stage 1 (KS1) and Year 3 - 1 adult to 6 children and in Years 4, 5 and 6 - 1 adult to 15 children.  Parents often like to help on trips, and are very welcome.  At some venues, there are additional staff who may be teaching the children knowledge or skills, for instance workshops, or guided tours.  However, these staff are additional to the ratio numbers.


We have qualified first aiders, who also accompany the children on trips.  Many of the venues we visit also have their own first aiders and first aid facilities.

We often request a voluntary contribution towards the cost of the trip, and this can be paid by cheque or cash to the front office, or via our SIMS Agora facility.

If you would like any further information, please contact the school.


We also invite visitors to our school who bring opportunities for the children to explore different activities and experiences.  Our visitors are CRB checked.

Frampton Cotterell C of E Primary School

Rectory Road, Frampton Cotterell, South Gloucestershire, BS36 2BT.

Telephone: 01454 867205            


Headteacher: Mrs Debbie Fisher

Office Manager: Mrs. Nicola Addicott

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